-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- John, I concur with the issue about not changing the process. I have contemplated asking the RFC editor to insert a copy of the XML version of the references (and XML header) into the RFC output itself. I.e. embedded some XML at the end of every text document. I find this a bit dis-tasteful. ] Out and about in Ottawa. hmmm... beer. | firewalls [ ] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON |net architect[ ] mcr@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[ ] panic("Just another Debian/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Finger me for keys - custom hacks make this fully PGP2 compat iQCVAwUBP1ftEIqHRg3pndX9AQEXnAQA3DB3sv8PbxFqaOURUuqfgXdvX9TzH4Lc oLkiXAJ5s815zSvOq+s+lRkeJ9NJwT27giGFuNJy+uG9PwFkq28AxE1uLTJzqGO3 O4E4kC6d+UtvOVqkcUsE9KdKB2BuLuWir1kQrEO791DFN4dHJJRc6uv+QEJ0T66T mptWs7DPWL0= =pGGe -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----