But what good does it do to have DC on your phone line if the network is utterly congested? With IP the service level degrades more gracefully. (Although this wouldn't necessarily work well for _voice_ over IP.)
I'm sorry but obviously you've never used SIP on a connection with greater thatn 128K of upstream bandwith or properly configured ethernet network with priority bitting.
my sincerest sympathies..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Richard Shockey, Senior Manager, Strategic Technology Initiatives NeuStar Inc. 46000 Center Oak Plaza - Sterling, VA 20166 sip:rshockey(at)iptel.org ENUM +87810-13313-31331 PSTN Office +1 571.434.5651 PSTN Mobile: +1 703.593.2683, Fax: +1 815.333.1237 <mailto:richard(at)shockey.us> or <mailto:richard.shockey(at)neustar.biz> <http://www.neustar.biz> ; <http://www.enum.org> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<