Hi All,
We have established a mailing list for the discussion of the IETF's internal education efforts, which were discussed at the Education (edu) BOF in Vienna. A summary of the BOF appears below, and full minutes will be sent to the edu-discuss mailing list.
People who are interested in tracking or participating in our internal education efforts should subscribe to the edu-discuss mailing list. Subscription information can be found at:
Over the next several weeks, Harald Alvestrand and I will be working to establish the core education team, and to officially charter this activity.
Education (edu) BOF Summary ===========================
The session was attended by approximately 35 people, and there was a very high level of engagement and participation. The BOF focused on internal educational activities within the IETF -- primarily role and process education.
Early discussions focused on our current educational activities and ideas/suggestions for improving them. There was a strong sense that these activities are important, and that we should continue and expand them as possible. Priorities for improvement included editor training, programs to help non-North Americans become acclimated to the IETF, and mentoring programs for new attendees.
The second half of the meeting focused on how to organize and manage our internal educational efforts moving forward.
Margaret Wasserman presented a proposal for an "education team" to run the education efforts, something between a WG and a directorate. In particular:
Form an education team to run this effort - Effort overseen by the General AD - General AD appoints team leader(s) - Leader(s) and AD choose the team from volunteers, refresh and expand the team as needed - Team membership publicly known
Community visibility and feedback - IETF web page for educational activities - Public discussion mailing list - Education team archives publicly available - Occasional (~yearly?) open meetings at IETF
During the meeting, we agreed that the team should have a written charter, and that the charter should be included on the web site.
There was a strong consensus of those present that we should form an education team to run these efforts, as described above.
The meeting ended with emphasis from the General AD that continuing our existing educational activities should be the top priority of the education team.