Keith Moore wrote:
from http://videolab.uoregon.edu/events/ietf/ietf57.html:
07-15-2003 - We're not going to broadcast the two plenary sessions in the evening wednesday and thursday. They are in different rooms for our equipment, and moving it is too hard. Currently we plan on recording the two plenaries and they should be accessible later.
I'm sorry to learn this. The multicast access is actually turning out
to be quite useful for me this time around, and the plenaries are
important parts of the meeting. I hate to miss them. Watching the
recorded meetings isn't the same because there's no way to provide
real-time feedback.
(fwiw, in my experience Jabber isn't a very good mechanism for keeping track of what's going on, but it has worked quite well for making the occasional remotely-originated comment.)
despite the inability to multicast the plenaries, I'm very appreciative to the multicast team for allowing me to participate in some of the WG meetings from Tennessee.