Dear Friends ,
For example i may be looking for a Information on "
creating a New protocol on VOIP " Like this some more people
around the world already working on similar work , and the information is
matching each other and meeting Individual priorities and got
High scale , than the best of information must reach
automatically to the user. This is one of the services where in the
Net should automatically provide.
The Net should link people around the world based on the Individual
customized requirements , same
frequency of Knowledge thoughts, Ideas , Goals , business
requirements etc.
The future is to create H-commerce or Knowledge - commerce. where in
knowlege is barterd for survival and growth rather than currency as
instrument. The protocols i want to see Human control protocol /
Human protocol which will be next TCP/IP.
Good day to you all .
" We make net to think and act"
" We connect human contacts "
At 02:16 PM 7/14/03 -0400, Dan Kolis wrote:
>>On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 13:35:42 EDT,
(Dan Kolis) said:
>>> wrote:
>>> >"...IPv6 over telepathy"
>>> Dan says:
>>> Wow! I had that idea yesterday; (It's almost like you
where reading my mind)
>>The draft for IPv6 over telepathy strongly recommends the
use of IPSEC in
>>multi-hop configurations, for all the obvious
data-interception and
>Also useful for all TCP/IP; (Telepathy Control Protocol /
>messaging. Not required for UDP (Uber Daemon Protocol)
Human commerce Net Pvt. Ltd,
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" We Make Net To Think and Act "
" We connect Human contacts "