Mark Allman wrote:
"Self-funded" is problematic, though: how do you tell the
difference between someone who really is paying his own way and
someone who's going to expense it? And what about a consultant
with his own small business; if he owns the business outright, and
the business pays the way, is that self-funded or not?
Maybe a bit -- but, if you're self funded then you have no
affiliation on your badge.
So I could pass for self-funded by not telling putting down a company
name on my registration?
I think other organizations make this kind of distinction work by
giving more rights to people who pay more; that would be the
opposite of what we want to do here.
I was specifically thinking of SIGCOMM's student travel grant
program -- in which the above is not the case.
But "student" is a well-defined class, with a moderately good means to
check. "Self-funded" is neither.
|John Stracke | |
|Principal Engineer| |
|Centive |My opinions are my own. |
|"God does not play games with His loyal servants." "Whoo-ee,|
|where have you *been*?" --_Good Omens_ |