2/ establish a long-term area: decide that the SUB-IP area will be a long-term one, clearly define its charter, and ask the nomcom to select one or two people to be Area Directors
I spoke on this at the Sub-IP area meeting. I beleive that the Area provides focus for a class of problem that is not going to go away. In fact, as the versions of IP are adapted to more underlying structures, including the optical sub-strucutre today and wireless sub-structures tomorrow, there will alwasy be a class of problem that is best categorized as the sub-ip problem. In fact throughout the history of the IETF there have been such issues, e.g. PPP, it is just that they were easily hosted in other areas due to their relative simplicity. As this class of issue grows, however, I think it would benefit from the focus only obtainable its own area. It may even be reasonable to go through the working groups in some other areas and see if some don't fit better into a generic sub-IP area. One further point: Should the WGs be parcelled out to various groups, GSMP should be considered as a candidate for the O&M area. Though GSMP was originally in the Routing area this was becasue the MPLS area was there. As it is a management protocol for sub-ip entities I think the best alternate placement for it is the management area. I obviously support it remaining in the permanent Sub-IP area should that be an option. a. -- Avri Doria http://www.sm.luth.se/~avri/