I wanted to make a quick comment about some text in section 12.1 of the draft cited below. "In addition, there are extensions of SIP which are under consideration in these [external] standardization bodies that are not appropriate material for IETF, because they are not generally applicable but only relate to the particular application of SIP being developed by the standardization bodies. An example is particular interactions with accounting and billing for mobile telephony." I believe this is a slight misrepresentation of the policy that has been communicated by the transport area directors to the working group and other standards bodies. In particular, the document cited as [BMMWRO02] makes some particularly strong statements that all deployed SIP extensions are to involve the IETF in some fashion. For example: "All changes or extensions to SIP must first exist as SIP Working Group documents," and "With the exception of "P-" headers described in Section 4.1, all SIP extensions must be standards track and must be developed in the IETF." On the topic of "P-" headers, however, there is still guidance that such extensions require, at a minimum, publication as an RFC: "[A]ny P-header used outside of a very restricted research or teaching environment (such as a student lab on implementing extensions) MUST meet those requirements and MUST be documented in an RFC and be IANA registered." While the text that appears in section 12.1 of draft-iab-considerations-02 does not directly contradict any of these statements, it does give the impression that such external standards bodies are free to create SIP extensions without any contact with the IETF. I beleive that additional text to clarify that such extensions still require IETF involvement would clear matters up sufficiently. I propose adding a sentance to the final paragraph of section 12.1 along the lines of: "In the interest of preserving the integrity of the protocol, however, such externally developed extensions are still reviewed and published by the IETF." /a (Adam Roach, dynamicsoft) -----Original Message----- From: Leslie Daigle [mailto:leslie@thinkingcat.com] Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 17:34 Subject: Impending publication: draft-iab-considerations-02.txt The IAB is ready to ask the IESG to publish General Architectural and Policy Considerations draft-iab-considerations-02.txt as an Informational RFC. This document is part survey of issues, and part advice for IETF protocol development. The IAB would like to ensure that the IETF community has had an opportunity to read it and comment before its publication. The IAB solicits comments by September 20, 2002. Please send comments to the IAB (iab@iab.org), care of the document editor (floyd@icir.org), or to ietf@ietf.org. The document can be found at http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-iab-considerations-02.txt Leslie Daigle For the IAB