wrote: > substitution ciphers are prone to frequency-analysis attacks, This reminds me of something I recently wondered about, and now decided to inflict on y'all. I've dealt with crypto just enough to be dangerous to my OWN self; I'm no expert, so please bear with me. How do cryptanalysis programs know when they've got it right? I am told (by my dad, who did it in WWII, but hasn't kept up on the technology) that the main way, barring having a specific string to match or other distinguishing characteristic, is frequency analysis. That is, when it's wrong, the letter (or rather, character) frequency distribution is rather flat, but when it's right, it's spiky, in a manner that resembles most human languages. (For instance, English has spikes at the classic ETAOINSHRDLU spots, and lows at the "Scrabble letter" spots, though of course these will generally be located differently if a simple substitution cypher is used.) Are there other ways commonly used? For now, I will proceed along the assumption (yes, I know what happens then!) that this is still the main way. Now, suppose you salt the plaintext with rarer characters, so as to flatten out the distribution. That is, first you analyze the frequency distribution of the plaintext, then compose a string of some given length, that will have enough of the rarest characters to make the frequency graph fairly flat, and then intermix them in some prescribed manner. This could even be done in such a manner that any reasonably long subset of the altered (but not yet "encrypted") plaintext would have a fairly flat frequency graph, as opposed to, say, using up the rarest characters first. How would cryptanalysis programs deal with that? Do they usually apply a "desalination" step to see if it can sensibly make a subset with a spiky distribution? If so, how would it tell the actual message, from any other spiky subset? (After all, even totally random garbage would contain a multitude of spiky subsets!) Or is there some other reason why the idea of adding such salt simply wouldn't help make encryption more secure? -- David J. Aronson, Software Engineer for hire in Philadelphia area Resume, and other details, online at: Looking for work[ers] in Philly? See the Yahoo group PhillyJobs.