I do not have such a "detailed" list, I do have number of notes on the topic and if insist I'll share some of them. I do think most of this should be discussed on te mailing list I created just for that very topic. Basicly I'm looking to create a way for mail servers to negotiate with each other based on the particular transmission received (that means after TO and FROM have already been sent and not at EHLO level), the idea is that if possible email should be sent with maximum amount of "trust" between parties and that means if for example several protocol for trust are available, the servers would decide which to use. If certificate trust is supported and desired, the server would exchange and confirm certificates, if futhermore it is desired that callback is necessary (and is supported and agreed to by both mail servers) that would be done, if servers both want to encrypt the transmission, that would also be possible. The "trust" that was used in particular transmission is up to configuration of mail server operator (on both sides) and possibly depended on settings for particular user (both sending and receiving party if supported by software) While I do not expect to see spam stopped all together, the trust mechanisms will provide an additional filter to determine when mail is or is not likely to have come from legitimate source. In addition for important emails, confirmation that email was received is necessary. All this should lead to wider use of email where as now many see importance of email communication going down, largely due to amount of unwanted emails received and in part due to limitations of existing protocol. On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Dave Crocker wrote: > At 03:27 PM 8/20/2002 -0700, william@ELAN.NET wrote: > >It it seriously not capable of handling what is needed, particularly any > >kind of verification, callback, exchange of certificates, etc, etc. > > No doubt you have a detailed list of functional requirements written > somewhere, so that folks do not have to guess at what you are seeking to do > (and why it needs to be done.) > > So, please provide the URL to the document and then we might be able to > consider your suggestion productively. > > d/ > > > ---------- > Dave Crocker <mailto:dave@tribalwise.com> > TribalWise, Inc. <http://www.tribalwise.com> > tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850