Re: Modems

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This is one to hold on to!  Thanks!!  Verrrry good

Craig Williams
ONI Systems

 -----Original Message-----
[]  On Behalf Of TOMSON ERIC
Sent:	Wednesday, June 12, 2002 12:27 PM
To:	'Bill Cunningham'; '';
'Pankaj Bhandari'; 'David Frascone'; 'Pete Resnick';
'Bill Strahm'; 'Lloyd Wood'; 'Nepple, Bruce'
Subject:	RE: modems

Hi, guys. Here is my contribution to this surprising
debate about modems. :)

To the point of view of an application running above
the Application layer 7, the Data Link layer 2
receives BITS from the Physical layer 1 and organizes
them into FRAMES, before transmitting its contents
(the payload) to the Network layer 3, and so on
(actually, at each layer, the payload is extracted and
transmitted to the upper layer, where it becomes that
upper layer's Protocol Data Unit).

To the point of view of a transmission medium (copper
cable, fiber optics, radio waves, etc.), BITS come
from the Data Link layer 2 into the Physical layer 1,
where they are converted into a specific signal that
can be transmitted on the given medium. In case of
copper cabling, it will be an electric signal. In case
of fiber optics, it will be light pulses, etc.

Now, talking about modems. Modems were invented to
transmit digital data over an analog line. It means
that the data coming from a computer is digital (i.e.
a non-continuous signal, carrying a limited number of
values/levels) and needs to be converted into an
analog signal (i.e. a continuous signal, carrying an
infinite number of values/levels), using frequencies
limited to the range accepted by the telephone

The range of frequencies accepted by the telephone
network (i.e. the BANDWIDTH) is theoretically between
0Hz and 4000Hz - more practically between 300Hz and
3500Hz. Why not higher frequencies? Because high
frequencies are more sensitive, more fragile, and are
corrupted first during the transmission, corrupting
then the whole signal - then the whole telephone
conversation. So, this filtering guarantees a minimum
quality of a telephone conversation.

Why that range of frequencies instead of another one?
Because it's the range used by human voice - what we
actually want to transmit over a telephone network,
plus some harmonics necessary to ensure a minimum
quality of speech and to allow the speaker to be
recognized and then identified.

As the telephone network was the only omnipresent,
global, ubiquitous network available at that time (the
50's), it was obvious that it should be used to
interconnect computers through long distances. But
computers didn't use analog signals (a fortiori since
Von Neumann strongly recommended a digital
architecture for computers during the 40's).

So BELL LABs developed the MODEM to convert digital
signals into analog signals to be able to transport
data through the telephone network, and then convert
back analog signals into digital signals on the other
end (for the destination computer to understand the
data transmitted through the telephone network).

Remember : the analog lines were low-pass-filtered and
then limited to a maximum of 3500Hz (then a range of
frequencies that can be heard by human ear - compare
to the range of frequencies supported by an ordinary
Hi-Fi system, usually covering 20Hz to 20000Hz). So,
when MODULATING the incoming digital signal, the modem
created an analog signal in the range of frequencies
between 300Hz and 3500Hz - then a signal that can be
HEARD, hence the noise generated by a modem.

Now, why do we hear noise only at the beginning of the
transmission? Because modems are configured to let
users hear noise only at the beginning of the
transmission to have the audible confirmation that
it's working. After some seconds, the internal modem's
speaker is turned off to prevent annoying the users.

What about the baudrate, the bitrate and "modulation"?
Well, modems will communicate through the telephone
network by exchanging an analog, audible signal. How
to transport bits and bytes with such a noisy signal?
By modulating one or several of the characteristics of
this noisy, analog signal, which are : the frequency,
the amplitude, the phase. Note that, by combining
several modulation techniques, you increase the number
of bits that can be represented - then transported.
That's why, today, with a baudrate of 2400 bauds per
second, we can transmit 33600 bits per second (because
we transport 14 bits per baud), while some years ago
we transported 1 bit per baud at a baudrate of 300
bauds per second, achieving a bitrate of 300 bits per

Why can't we hear Gigabit Ethernet? 1.In case of
copper cabling (IEEE 802.3ab), it's a pure baseband
technology, using pure digital signalling, using
frequencies of 80MHz (80 millions of Hertz!!!) on
Category 5 UTP copper cabling, and that's far, far
higher than the highest audible frequency. 2.In case
of fiber optics (IEEE 802.3z), it's a pure light
transmission, using pure light signalling on fiber
optics, and that's not at all audible - only visible.

Last word : computers don't communicate by screeching
or talking or whatever : they communicate by
exchanging a specific signal through a physical
medium. Depending on this medium, this signal will be
either electrical (copper cabling) or optical (fiber
optics) or radio or infra-red or micro-wave (etc.).

I hope I could combine the engineer and academic
points of view in a comprehensible, yet proper way. ;)

P.S.: if one of you detects a mistake or an error,
please let me know - I'm always learning. Every single
day of my life.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Cunningham []

I know modems communicate on the physical layer by
electrical pulses or
binaries sent on copper wires. Is that screeching you
hear electrical
communication? Computers don't communicate by
screeching...or do they?

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