*> Now the original point was someone else's inaccurate claim that the *> IETF *> let both IS-IS and OSPF bloom, when really the IETF originally chose *> OSPF -- *> and IS-IS made a separate come-back in the deployed world during the *> mid-90s. Yes -- except for historical accuracy, it was the Bad Old Despotic IAB who originally chose OSPF -- in fact, caused an IETF WG to come into existence to design "THE" standard link state routing protocol for the Internet. In those days, of course, OSI and Internet were bitter rivals, so IS-IS was not initially received kindly in the Internet community. I believe Paul Mockapetris chaired a flame-off debate between OSPF and IS-IS advocates as some early Interop. Bob Braden *> *> Cheers, *> *> Ran *> rja@extremenetworks.com *>