dropping a few mailing lists off the CC: --On 21. mars 2002 00:57 +0859 Masataka Ohta <mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote: > Unicode is usable in some local context. Agreed. Note that "some" is changing to "many" as time goes on. > > There is some unicode implementaion work in local contexts. > > However, the context information must be supplied out of band. Agreed. > > And, the out of band information is equivalent to "charset" > information, regardless of whether you call it "charset" or > not. Do not agree. for most values of what we currently have registered as "charset", it is not sufficient to identify the context. Therefore, depending on "charset" to identify context is not only useless, but actively harmful. My opinion, which I stated in RFC 1766, and have found no reason to change. The IETF rough consensus seemed to agree at the time. Harald