Hi folks, This week, we will again have 2 plenaries - IAB on Wednesday, IESG on Thursday. The most important part of the plenary is the open mike session - YOU get to tell us what YOU consider important about the IETF. And we get to respond, and you get to respond to each other, for as long as it takes. But forewarned is forearmed..... If you have a subject you want to raise, and want to make sure that you actually get a response that has some thinking behind it rather than "shoot from the hip", you might want to tell us beforehand. Send a message to me (and to the IETF list if you want to), saying that "I will raise subject X at the plenary". I'll try to ensure that the person most relevant to adress your issue has actually spent some time thinking about it beforehand. Welcome to the session! Harald Alvestrand, IETF Chair