The IETF falls into comicbook mode as April 1 approaches. Mild-mannered S. Kent is in reality SuperNoSecMan. He adds the essential anti-replay counter to IPsec protocols and, ... causes people to NOT adopt them? He is a superb document editor and reviewer, and this makes security worse? He has demonstrated years of dedication to the IETF security area, develops BGP security methods, and this is only fuel to fire of his evil? He has such power over time and space that he alone creates security vacuums, causing 30 years of computer and network security research and development to be abandoned (except for this one tiny corner he inexplicably missed in SSL). There's not a single other relevant factor in this whole story, only SuperNoSecMan and his long shadow. But for the fact that Bill Simpson fancies himself a piece of kryptonite, Kent would reign supreme. Next week: Kent reverses HMAC by causing the earth to rotate backwards. Hilarie