Vivek Gupta wrote: > > Hi > > I have been bugging U guys a lot for long now ..... especially Hari > > OK here is another question quite similar to previous one: > > Net meeting by Microsoft is not suppoted by NAT ..... this is the major > problem > > --this is a problem with NAT or with NET meeting.?? Anything that works with regular IP addresses and breaks with IP addresses (as you describe in your figures), is, by definition, the NAT breaking. > I think I should rephrase my query ...wait > > --Is it that the net meeting doesn't support NAT .... or the NAT doesn't > support netmeeting.?? NAT doesn't support Netmeeting. It uses H.323 encoding, which uses IP addresses and dynamically assigned ports in-band (inside the connection). The NAT is translating the outer IP addresses, but because your NAT doesn't understand H.323, it doesn't know it would have to also translate the inner addresses and ports. Netmeeting expects that it can dynamically select a port to use to connect back to your machine, but that defeats what a NAT "thinks" the Internet looks like (notably because it's incorrect). The best solution: get real IP addresses. It's cheaper than wasting your time figuring out why things don't work. Joe