Geoff Huston <> said: >The essence of the architecture of mobility is to allow the identity of the >mobile device to remain constant while allowing the identity of the >location of the device within the network to vary. The dynamic DNS >approach attempts to bind the domain name as the device's persistent >identity and allows the current IP address to equate to the device's >current location. >Obviously, as already pointed out, the restriction here is that the device >cannot support persistent state across location changes, but worse, as far >as I can tell, is that it is an approach that has poor scaling properties. Dan K (hey that's me) says: Well, I'm working on a residential gateway with some novel features and one rule for cable tv is: No changes to the CMTS headend at all. But the urge to have some DNS faking software is *very* hard to avoid. Takes some sort of trivial case like the redirect for http. Yes, sure there's a temporary and permenent redirect. Do you trust some *unnamed company*'s software to execute this, or would you rather snag it, fake it, and know it works. Problem is, if there isn't some trust in the technology of the infrastructure, ultimately internet will start to unravel. I think we should avoid conversion to the dark side and trust the protocols, etc. And that means mostly not making dynamic entries appear in the DNS. Maybe just means reading the rfc's in more detail and assuming on ocassion some peoples non conforming software will strand them on ocassion. Regs to all, Dan Dan Kolis - Lindsay Electronics Ltd 50 Mary Street West, Lindsay Ontario Canada K9V 2S7 (705) 324-2196 X 268 (705) 324-5474 Fax An ISO 9001 Company; SCTE Member ISM-127194 /Document end