You know, my first thought when I saw the title of this email was 'first Postel, then overworked ADs begin dropping like flies...' Thankfully, that's not the case. "The breadth of this list should convince any sane person that this list cannot be used anywhere except at Rhyolite Software and might reasonably show it should not be used here." Seems pretty clear to me. L. so who invented the second-level domain redirector, then? <>PGP<> On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Michael Allen Gelman wrote: > Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 01:09:51 -0500 > From: Michael Allen Gelman <> > To: > Subject: Vernon Schryver > > My name is Michael Allen Gelman. I am the inventor of the 3rd level domain > redirector and a one-time submitter of a proposal to the > IETF. (draft-gelman-phone2web-00.txt) > > I feel it is important that I give you a 'heads up' on Vernon Schryver > ( > > This individual has been harassing me and one of my clients, has placed out > domains on a black list of spam organizations, and has threatened to > publish a private email message I had sent to him. > > Why, you ask? Merely because I sold a domain to an ISP who's customer sent > an email that Vernon Schryver perceived to be spam. > > Whether the sender of the email is a spammer is in question to begin with, > but this man has published the ISP's domain and my domain on a list: > > > Neither nor are spammers. I don't > believe that being on this list will injure me or my domain client, but I > thought you should know about Vernon Schryver. This man is either a bully > and a troublemaker or I caught him on his worst day. > > I had explained to him that I resell domains to ISPs, and that's the extent > of my involvement in what he called spam. His reply was a threat to > publish my private email. I doubt he would list Network Solutions as a > spammer, but it's easy to pick on a small company. Naturally, I don't ever > spam. > > Please bear this in mind if considering implementing any of his > software. ( > > I would hate to see this individual be able to actually cause serious > problems for innocent people, such as myself. > > > Have a great day! > - Michael Allen Gelman > > ------------------------------------------------- > Get the domain: for FREE > Get the domain: only $19 >