Ah, great, I see that you have picked up some (but not all) of my comments. New nits: -- What is DCCP-STP? -- I don't think that RFC 5124 defines the media-field. (Did you want to reference 5234 here?) -- o This specification also permits the use of DTLS with the UDP transport that encapsulates DCCP packets. When DTLS is used at the encapsulation layer this protects the DCCP headers. This prevents the headers from being inspected or updated by network middleboxes (such as firewalls and NAPT). It also eliminates the need for a spearate DTLS handshake for each DCCP connection. Where does it permit that? (If this sentence is intended to be normatively define entirely new functionality, it MUST NOT be in the security considerations.) How exactly does the definition of the 4-/6-tuples change when you do that? E.g., what happens if the DTLS epoch changes? -- spearate Grüße, Carsten