Hi Tom, Arjuna,
On the step-function rate adjustment problem...
Flow control for apps with sending rates that are step functions is
an interesting nut. As Arjuna says, TFRC (CCID3) does allow the
sending rate cap to grow to twice the current sending rate without
demand from the app. And CCID2 also allows the window to grow
without demand (to some cap too, I believe). So as long as your
app's step sizes are less than a factor of 2, it could return to the
higher rate if there was some API support to indicate the higher
rate was available.
There are other problems with returning to a higher rate, though.
If you've been transmitting at X for a while, sure, CCID3 will allow
you to double that, but it has no knowledge of whether that's really
possible or not (has capacity become available or are things just
well-balanced as they are?). You could return to the higher rate
only to be forced immediately back to the lower rate. And the
psychological impression of varying quality is worse than
consistently low quality.
Yes, exactly - DCCP should not tell the application that more
bandwidth is available if it doesn't have any real information to that
effect; that will just cause bad oscillations exactly as you say. My
idea in a nutshell is:
1. The CC algorithm should NOT increase the rate/window allowance
significantly beyond the amount of data actually being sent. That is,
rate/window increase should always represent "real" bandwidth
availability information, not just an absence of congestion events due
to the app not using its allowance.
2. Instead, when the application's standing request is greater than
its actual usage for some time, DCCP (transparently to the
application) probes at randomly jittered periodic times to see if the
requested bandwidth is actually available. Only if it is confirmed to
be available this way, DCCP notifies the app.
3. Different approaches to probing are conceivable. The simplest way
is for DCCP to insert pad data and/or extra packets, growing according
to the CC algorithm's additive increase function, until the bandwidth
artificially achieved via this padding reaches the app's request (a
positive result), or a congestion event occurs (a negative result,
cancelling the probe process and turning off the padding until the
next probe. This will waste bandwidth, but only briefly once in a
while, and its bandwidth consumption will still be a lot less
aggressive over time than say a single TCP bulk data transfer.
4. The delay between probes might start small but increase
multiplicatively with each unsuccessful probe up to some maximum, so
if the channel is consistently limited to less than the app's request,
the bandwidth wastage due to probes tapers off over time to some
negligible amount.
5. More efficient probe techniques could be considered, e.g., from the
extensive literature on bandwidth probing by measuring inter-packet
delays, if we ever get enough confidence that some such algorithm
actually works reliably and is "safe". But if that doesn't happen,
even the basic probing sheme above should "obviously" work, is
"obviously" TCP-friendly by construction, and shouldn't be too
wasteful given reasonable and adaptive probe periods.
There are other mismatches as well. CCID3 adjusts allowed rate on a
continuous spectrum, which can cause problems for apps that can only
make step adjustments, but it also makes those adjustments at what
to the app look like arbitrary moments. Many media apps can only
make rate adjustments at frame boundaries. What do they do with the
data that's already encoded from the last frame when CCID3 makes an
allowed rate change? Note that typical frame rates and typical RTTs
are rough-order-of-magnitude similar. Would it really hurt to wait
until the next frame to change the rate? But of course there's no
mechanism in CCID3 to support that.
Some of these topics might be better for ICCRG, but the idea as I
understand it is for DCCP and ICCRG to work together on these sorts
of things.
Tom P.
From: dccp-bounces@xxxxxxxx [mailto:dccp-bounces@xxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Arjuna Sathiaseelan
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 12:55 PM
To: 'Bryan Ford'; 'Pasi Sarolahti'; dccp@xxxxxxxx
Cc: gorry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DCCP work ideas
Dear Bryan,
DCCP’s CCID’s do probe for capacity for e.g. CCID 3 (which
follows TFRC) would allow the sender to send upto twice the receiver
rate or that allowed by the throughput equation (which ever is smal
l) and hence its upto the application to decide whether to retract b
ack to its original higher media rate. CCID-2 would grow its cwnd li
ke TCP would and hence probing occurs here too…
The RFC-to-be draft Quickstart for DCCP – allows the use of QS with
DCCP – and hence the sender could probe for additional capacity usin
g QS – which in turn could be used by the app to decide whether to u
se a higher media rate..
So I believe that it’s an application/API problem rather than the tr
Correct me if I am wrong ☺
DCCP's congestion control will not try to probe for bandwidth and
the application will never know when it can move back up to
128Kbps. So solve this by developing an extension to DCCP's
congestion control mechanisms an a corresopnding API allowing
applications to maintain a standing "request" for more bandwidth
than they're actually using at the moment, and to notify the
application when the full amount of requested bandwidth appears to
be available. That should allow media applications to follow DCCP's
congestion control decisions without giving up the control they need
in order to utilize available bandwidth dynamically. There are
several alternative ways to achieve this at the congestion control
level, at least one of which might even be reasonably safe and
efficient; I'll try to write it up in a follow-on E-mail shortly.