I have followed the guide from
http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/Net:DCCP_Testing in order to use the Monitoring DCCP.
I also need to apply the web100 patch, that is valid only for a kernel 2.6.*24* (www.web100.org).
So, I have downloaded the kernel 2.6.24 from http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.24.tar.gz, and I
applied the web100 patch (that is, web100-2.6.24-2.5.19-200802211940.patch , downloaded from http://www.web100.org). This is OK.
After that, I tried to enable the Experimental_DCCP_source_tree using the Snapshot patch, that I have downloaded from
but without success.
(If you want, I can post the result).
I also tried to apply the web100 patch to the kernel ( or nigthly snapshot of the DCCP tree ) downloaded from
http://eden-feed.erg.abdn.ac.uk/latest-dccp-test-tree.tar.bz2, but without success.
Have you suggestions to resolve this situation?