Hi I am trying to get a deeper understanding of the DCCP protocol. However I am a little lost on the different CCID's. I have a typical VoIP scenario where packets are transmitted 50 packets per second with a payload size of ~30bytes. Also one can assume that DTX is used and that periodic comfort noise update packets are transmitted at a rate of ~5 packet/second. In terms of congestion avoidance it is possible to reduce the payload size to 10bytes and the packet rate can be reduced to 10 packets/second. It is not acceptable to reduce the packet rate to below 10 packets/second for active speech segments. An additional requirement is that the feedback rate must be kept fairly low. Given the outline above. What CCID can be used ?. Two drafts catch my interest, namely http://tools.ietf.org/wg/dccp/draft-ietf-dccp-tfrc-faster-restart/ And http://tools.ietf.org/wg/dccp/draft-floyd-dccp-ccid4-01.txt Do any of the above meet the requirements ? Regards Ingemar ******************************************* Ingemar Johansson Senior Research Engineer, IETF "nethead" EAB/TVP - Multimedia Technologies Ericsson Research Ericsson AB Box 920 S-971 28 Luleå, Sweden Tel: +46 (0)8 4043042 ECN: 850-43042 Mobile: +46 (0)730 783289 MSN: ingemarjohansson1965@xxxxxxxxxxx *******************************************