Gerrit -
Thank you for the note, only had time for a quick read through,
three small issues.
Many thanks.
1. Related open issue: To deal with idle periods and the like,
in Section 4.7 say that t_i := max(t_i, t_now - RTT/2), to
limit bursts to RTT/2 packets? Has anyone implemented this?
Email from Eddie Kohler and Ian McDonald.
I have implemented this and have come up with an upper bound
of using less than one t_ipi as a threshold.
Yep, I added that.
2. One minor thing where a clarification would be very helpful:
-> In section 4.6 "Preventing Oscillations"
-> Here it says "The sender obtains the base allowed transmit rate,
X, from the throughput function."
-> But this is confusing, since the result of the throughput
is X_calc. Since the sender only gets a new R_sample when it gets
feedback, is it meant that the sender obtains the allowed sending
rate X as described in step (4) of section 4.3?
I clarified that.
3. Minor Nit in section 8 (formatting)
T_loss = T_before + (T_after - T_before)
* Dist(S_loss,S_before)/Dist(S_after, S_before)
Fixed. Many thanks for the feedback.
- Sally