Hi All, Here's a preliminary agenda for our meeting in Montreal. Additions/changes/comments appreciated. By the way, the current schedule shows us meeting on Tuesday afternoon, but we've asked to have that changed to Wednesday afternoon. No confirmation of that yet... Tom P. Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) WG WG Chairs: Thomas Phelan <tphelan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Gorry Fairhurst <gorry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> jabber: dccp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1. Agenda Bashing (10 minutes) - Chair * Agenda changes * Election of Scribe for Proceedings * Jabber Scribe 2. Document Status (5 minutes) - Chair * Updated Charter. * Updated Milestones. * Documents in Last Call - None. * Documents in IESG Review: TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): the Small-Packet (SP) Variant draft-ietf-dccp-tfrc-voip * Documents in RFC Editor Queue - None. 3. Active Drafts * DCCP CCID4: TFRC with Small Packets (Sally, 10 min) * Faster Restart draft-ietf-dccp-tfrc-faster-restart (?, 5 min) * User Guide draft-ietf-dccp-user-guide (Tom, 10 min) * TFRC Media Guide draft-ietf-dccp-tfrc-media (Tom, 5 min) 4. Potential New WG Items * DTLS over DCCP, draft-phelan-dccp-dtls-00 (Tom, 10 min) * RTP over DCCP, draft-perkins-dccp-rtp (Colin, 15min) * DCCP Mobility, draft-kohler-dccp-mobility (?, 10 minutes)