A new IETF non-working group email list has been created. List address: arcing@ietf.org Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/search/?email_list=arcing To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/arcing Purpose: While the most common Internet names by far are those which are part of the domain name system, that set of names is not the whole. A number of independent naming and resolution contexts have emerged. In addition to those created for onion routing and multicast DNS, there are large sets associated with the Handle system, URNs, and Internet scale proprietary names (e.g. twitter handles). It is apparent that the desire to re-use Internet protocols that default to DNS-based resolution in other resolution contexts has created ambiguities in what resolution context should be used for individual names. Those ambiguities may be expressed in operational difficulties (queries in the wrong context) and in concerns about limitations implied for DNS-based names. This list will discuss the architectural issues and best practices for identifying alternative resolution contexts. For additional information, please contact the list administrators.