The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), on behalf of the IETF, announces this Request for Proposals for the development of a Review Tracker Tool. The successful bidder will enter into a contract with the Internet Society. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) desires development of a Review Tracker Tool. Several review teams ensure specific types of review are performed on Internet-Drafts as they progress towards becoming RFCs. The tools used by these teams to assign and track reviews would benefit from tighter integration to the Datatracker and the current tools’ design predate the modern Datatracker. Tighter integration with the Datatracker would simplify the logic used to identify documents ready for review, make it simpler for the Datatracker to associate reviews with documents, and allow users to reuse their Datatracker credentials. It would also make it easier to detect other potential review-triggering events, such as a document entering working group last call, or when a RFC's standard level is being changed without revising the RFC. The RFP can be found at: <>. Proposals must be received via email at no later than January 18, 2016. All questions, inquiries must be submitted by January 6, 2016. Responses to questions and inquiries shall be posted online at: <> by January 11, 2016. The point of contact regarding this RFP is the IETF Administrative Director, Ray Pelletier, Ray Pelletier IAD