WG Action: Rechartered NETCONF Data Modeling Language (netmod)

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The NETCONF Data Modeling Language (netmod) working group in the
Operations and Management Area of the IETF has been rechartered. For
additional information please contact the Area Directors or the WG

NETCONF Data Modeling Language (netmod)
Current Status: Active WG

  Jürgen Schönwälder <j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>
  Kent Watsen <kwatsen@juniper.net>
  Tom Nadeau <tnadeau@lucidvision.com>

  Andrew McLachlan <amclachl@cisco.com>

Assigned Area Director:
  Benoit Claise <bclaise@cisco.com>

Mailing list
  Address: netmod@ietf.org
  To Subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/netmod
  Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/netmod/


The NETMOD working group has defined the data modeling language
YANG, which can be used to specify network management data models that
are transported over such protocols as NETCONF and
RESTCONF. The NETMOD working group also defined a number of core data
models as basic building blocks.

The purpose of the NETMOD working group is to support the ongoing
deployment of YANG by maintaining and evolving the core YANG
specifications based on usage experience. 

The NETMOD WG may also develop any additional data models written in YANG
that the WG considers core building blocks and that do not fall under the
charters of other active IETF working groups. The NETMOD WG may simply
add such milestones as it sees fit, with the advice and consent of the
responsible AD.

The NETMOD Working Group will produce a maintenance release of the core
YANG specification called YANG 1.1, that is a revision of RFC 6020. The
changes to RFC 6020 are restricted in the following ways:

- All compliant YANG 1.0 modules must be accepted as compliant YANG 1.1

- All known ambiguities of YANG 1.0 and all reported defects and errata
will be addressed.

- YANG 1.1 is not adding fundamentally new data modeling concepts to the

- The changes of the specification will be kept to the minimum necessary
to achieve the previously stated goals.

The NETMOD Working Group will also revise the Guidelines for Authors and
Reviewers of YANG Data Models (RFC 6087) in order to fix any ambiguities
and to incorporate the lessons learned by producing YANG data models.

The NETMOD Working Group will produce a specification how YANG-defined
data trees can be represented in JSON.

The NETMOD Working Group will not serve as a review team for YANG modules
developed by other working groups. The YANG doctors, organized by the OPS
area director responsible for network management, can act as advisors for
other working groups and they provide YANG reviews for the OPS area
directors [1].

The WG will consult with the NETCONF working group to ensure that
NETMOD's decision do not conflict with NETCONF and RESTCONF.

[1] http://www.ietf.org/iesg/directorate/yang-doctors.html

  Done     - Submit first working group draft of the stateless packet
filter data model
  Done     - Submit first working group draft of a mapping to JSON
  Done     - Compiled issue list to be considered for YANG 1.1
  Done     - Submit first working group draft of YANG guidelines update
  Done     - Submit first working group draft of YANG 1.1
  Oct 2014 - Submit stateless packet filter data model to the IESG
  Oct 2014 - Submit the mapping to JSON to the IESG
  Apr 2015 - Syslog Yang model to the IESG
  Oct 2015 - Submit YANG 1.1 to the IESG
  Dec 2015 - Submit YANG guidelines update to the IESG

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