The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), on behalf of the RFC Series Editor (RSE) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), announces this Request for Proposal to perform the functions of the RFC Production Center. The successful bidder will enter into a contract with the Internet Society. The RFP with the Statement of Work can be found at: <>. The IAOC desires a long-term relationship of up to six (6) years with a successful contractor commencing on January 1, 2016. The contract will be for two-years plus the opportunity for two, two-year contract extensions upon successful performance. The contract will be for a fixed price, except for certain services as noted in the RFP. The closing date for submission of proposals is Monday, August 3, 2015 not later than 5:00 P.M. EDT. It is expected that a contract will be concluded October 2015. All questions/inquiries must be submitted in writing and must be received no later than July 3, 2015. Questions/inquiries will be accepted by email at All questions and answers shall be posted without identification of the question originator at <> no later than July 17, 2015. A Bidders Conference will be held on July 10th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM PT at the World Trade Center, Seattle, WA, Suite 200, 2211 Elliott Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121-1692. The conference will provide an opportunity for potential bidders to ask questions of the current RFC Series Editor concerning the RFC Production Center and the RFC Editor organization. Reservations are required by July 8th, 5:00 PM PT and must be addressed to The conference will be cancelled if there are no reservations made by the July 8th deadline. The questions and answers from the Bidders Conference will be published together with questions received by July 3rd. The point of contact regarding this RFP is the IETF Administrative Director, Ray Pelletier IETF Administrative Director Heather Flanagan RFC Series Editor Chair, RPC Selection Committee