The IESG has completed a review of draft-boucadair-intarea-host-identifier-scenarios-11 consistent with RFC5742. The IESG has no problem with the publication of 'Scenarios with Host Identification Complications' <draft-boucadair-intarea-host-identifier-scenarios-11.txt> as an Informational RFC. The IESG has concluded that there is no conflict between this document and IETF work. Additionally, the IESG requests the following note be added to the document if it is published: This document describes use cases where IP addresses are overloaded with both location and identity properties. Such semantic overloading is seen as a contributor to a variety of issues within the routing system [RFC 4984]. Additionally, these use cases may be seen as a way to justify solutions that are not consistent with IETF Best Current Practices on protecting privacy [BCP 160][BCP 188]. The IESG would also like the RFC-Editor to review the comments in the datatracker related to this document and determine whether or not they merit incorporation into the document. Comments may exist in both the ballot and the history log. The IESG review is documented at: A URL of the reviewed Internet Draft is: The process for such documents is described at Thank you, The IESG Secretary