The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Extensions to the PMIPv6 Access Network Identifier Option' (draft-ietf-netext-ani-location-09.txt) as Proposed Standard This document is the product of the Network-Based Mobility Extensions Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Brian Haberman and Ted Lemon. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary: Access Network Identifier (ANI) Mobility option was introduced in Access Network Identifier Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (RFC 6757). This enables a Mobility Access Gateway (MAG) to convey identifiers like network identifier, geolocation, and operator identifier. This specification extends the Access Network Identifier mobility option with sub options to carry civic location and MAG group Identifier. This specification also defines an ANI Update-Timer sub option that determines when and how often the ANI option will be updated. Working Group Summary: The WG initially considered updating RFC 6757 (Access Network Identifier (ANI) Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6). However after considering the scope and the extensions being proposed, it was decided that a separate I-D extending RFC 6757 was a better approach. Consensus was strong to create a new WG I-D and extend RFC6757. Document Quality: At the present time, there are no known implementations. At least one vendor has expressed plans to implement this specification. Personnel: Doc Shepherd: Basavaraj Patil AD: Brian Haberman