The IESG has approved the following document: - '3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) SIP URI Inter Operator Traffic Leg parameter' (draft-holmberg-dispatch-iotl-06.txt) as Proposed Standard This document has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of an IETF Working Group. The IESG contact person is Richard Barnes. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary: This document defines a new SIP URI parameter, 'iotl', which can be used in a SIP URI to indicate that the entity associated with the address, or an entity responsible for the host part of the address, represents the end of a specific traffic leg (or multiple traffic legs). Working Group Summary: The document was considered in the DISPATCH WG. It was agreed to scope the document to 3GPP environments, and due to that publish the document as AD sponsored. In response to IETF LC feedback from Robert Sparks, the scoping language was adjusted to clarify that the only current usage of this parameter is in 3GPP networks, but it is also possible to use it in other deployments where its semantics make sense. The text change was discussed and agreed on the DISPATCH mailing list. Document Quality The document has been adopted by 3GPP, and a number of vendors within the 3GPP community have indicated plans to implement the specification. Personnel Gonzalo Salgueiro (INSIPID WG co-chair) is the Document Shepherd. Richard Barnes is the Responsible AD.