I-D Action: draft-marshall-ecrit-indoor-location-00.txt

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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.

        Title           : Indoor Location Mechanisms for Emergency Services
        Authors         : Roger Marshall
                          Marc Linsner
                          Dorothy Stanley
	Filename        : draft-marshall-ecrit-indoor-location-00.txt
	Pages           : 18
	Date            : 2015-03-01

   The application of summoning emergency assistance by using a phone to
   call 9-1-1 in North America has been ingrained in society for 40+
   years.  A successful emergency response to a caller in need, is
   dependent upon the responders receiving accurate location information
   to effect timely action.  Traditional wireline telephony is able to
   utilize the location of the physical wires as a source of information
   for caller location, whereas wireless technologies require more
   exotic mechanisms to locate a 9-1-1 caller.

   Mechanisms for locating a cellular caller dialing 9-1-1 is based on
   20 year old technology, which was designed for outdoor environments,
   and does not perform sufficiently when used to locate an emergency
   caller from within a home or office building environment.

   With growing trends in mobile cellular usage, large portions of
   subscribers are relying solely on their mobile phones to make
   emergency calls.  Emergency response time suffers when that caller is
   located indoors.

   This document defines the problem statement and solutions for
   expanding the current set of methods used to locate a cellular caller
   to 9-1-1.  The expansion of the methods includes connections to
   services that are outside the normal administrative domain of the
   cellular provider, hence both the privacy and security aspects of
   connecting these systems are taken into consideration.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There's also a htmlized version available at:

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.

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