I-D Action: draft-ietf-teas-p2mp-loose-path-reopt-01.txt

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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
 This draft is a work item of the Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling Working Group of the IETF.

        Title           : Extensions to Resource Reservation Protocol For Re-optimization of Loosely Routed Point-to-Multipoint Traffic Engineering LSPs
        Authors         : Tarek Saad
                          Rakesh Gandhi
                          Zafar Ali
                          Robert H. Venator
                          Yuji Kamite
	Filename        : draft-ietf-teas-p2mp-loose-path-reopt-01.txt
	Pages           : 16
	Date            : 2015-03-01

   For a Traffic Engineered (TE) point-to-multipoint (P2MP) Label
   Switched Path (LSP), it is preferable in some cases to re-evaluate
   and re-optimize the entire P2MP-TE LSP by re-signaling all its
   Source-to-Leaf (S2L) sub-LSP(s).  Existing mechanisms, a mechanism
   for an ingress Label Switched Router (LSR) to trigger a new path re-
   evaluation request and a mechanism for a mid-point LSR to notify an
   availability of a preferred path, operate on an individual or a sub-
   group of S2L sub-LSP(s) basis only.

   This document defines RSVP-TE signaling extensions to allow an
   ingress node of a P2MP-TE LSP to request the re-evaluation of the
   entire LSP tree containing one or more S2L sub-LSPs whose paths are
   loose (or abstract) hop expanded, and for a mid-point LSR to notify
   to the ingress node that a preferable tree exists for the entire
   P2MP-TE LSP.  For re-optimizing a group of S2L sub-LSP(s) in a tree,
   an S2L sub-LSP descriptor list can be used to signal one or more S2L
   sub-LSPs in an RSVP message.  This document defines markers to
   indicate beginning and end of an S2L sub-LSP descriptor list when the
   RSVP message needs to be fragmented due to large number of S2L
   sub-LSPs in the message when performing sub-group based re-

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