I-D Action: draft-bonica-mpls-self-ping-04.txt

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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.

        Title           : LSP Self-Ping
        Authors         : Ravi Torvi
                          Ron Bonica
                          Ina Minei
                          Michael Conn
                          Dante Pacella
                          Luis Tomotaki
                          Mark Wygant
	Filename        : draft-bonica-mpls-self-ping-04.txt
	Pages           : 10
	Date            : 2015-02-13

   LSP Self-ping is a new, light-weight protocol that ingress LSRs can
   use to verify an LSPs readiness to carry traffic.  LSP Self-ping does
   not consume control plane resources on the egress LSR.

   When an ingress LSR executes LSP Self-ping procedures, it constructs
   a probe message.  The probe message is an IP datagram whose
   destination address represents an interface on the ingress LSR.

   The ingress LSR forwards the probe through the LSP under test.  If
   the LSP is ready to forward traffic, the egress LSR receives the
   probe.  Because the probe is addressed to the ingress LSR, the egress
   LSR forwards the probe back to the ingress.  When the ingress LSR
   receives the probe, it has verified LSP readiness without consuming
   control plane resources at the egress LSR.

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