A new Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : The Use of Non-ASCII Characters in RFCs
Author(s) : H. Flanagan
Filename : draft-flanagan-nonascii
Pages : 9
Date : 2015-01-30
In order to support the internationalization of protocols and a more
diverse Internet community, the RFC Series must evolve to allow for
the use of non-ASCII characters in RFCs. While English remains the
required language of the Series, the encoding of future RFCs will be
in UTF-8, allowing for a broader range of characters than typically
used in the English language. This document describes the RFC Editor
requirements and guidance regarding the use of non-ASCII characters
in RFCs.
This document updates RFC 7322.
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- <ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-flanagan-nonascii>
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