The IETF DIME WG will hold an Interim Meeting on October 16-17, 2014. The meeting will take place at: Orange Labs Sophia-Antipolis (close to ETSI premises) 905 Rue Albert Einstein 06560 VALBONNE, FRANCE Meeting Room: S905 ROYA. The agenda of the meeting is to work on the remaining open issues on the Diameter Overload Control indication Conveyance (DOIC) draft, in order to produce a final version for IETF Last-Call before the end of the year. A detailed agenda will be provided later on the DIME mailing list. If you'd like to attend, please register by sending an email to the DIME WG chairs (<>). Here is a preliminary list of participants: - Jouni Korhonen - Lionel Morand - Steve Donovan - Ben Campbell - Maria Cruz Bartolome - Jean-Jacques Trottin - Susan Shishufeng - Ulrich Wiehe Regards, Lionel & Jouni