The DMM WG will hold its third interim conference calls during October: 7th October, 5PM Helsinki time (EEST) / 1400 UTC. The conference call lasts max 2 hours. The detailed agenda will be available later but it is around progressing the new work we are pursuing. -------------------------------------------- Webex details -------------------------------------------- Join WebEx meeting Meeting number: 317 354 563 Meeting password: dmm1911 Join by phone 1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll free number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Access code: 317 354 563 Toll-free calling restrictions Can't join the meeting? Contact support. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to being recorded, discuss your concerns with the host or do not join the session