As per RFC3777, and using the RFC3797, Publicly Verifiable Nominations Committee (NomCom) Random Selection the following are the seed selection that will be used on 2014-07-06. Seeds: ------- The following are the seed sources (in order) that will be used in selecting the 2014-15 NomCom members: Canadian Lottery Lotto 649 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 Results: (7 numbers including the bonus number: numbers between 1 and 49) US National debt ("Debt Held by the Public"), published by the Treasury department as of Thursday, July 7, 2014 Last 8 digits, ignore the commas and periods US National debt ("Intragovernmental Holdings"), published by the Treasury department as of Thursday, July 7, 2014 Last 8 digits, ignore the commas and periods Euromillions Lottery Friday July 5, 2014 Results: (7 numbers including the star balls: 5 numbers between 1 and 50 and 2 star balls between 1 and 11) All the above seeds will be provided (in the order listed above) as input to the RFC 3797 selection algorithm to determine the ten voting members of the 2014-15 Nomcom. Michael Richardson Nomcom Chair 2014-15