The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), on behalf of the IETF, announces this Request for Proposals to develop the capability for IMAP browse and search of the IETF mail archives. The successful bidder will enter into a contract with the Internet Society. The IETF makes heavy use of email lists to conduct its work. This often involves accessing the archived history of those email lists. Participants would like to have the ability to browse and search those archives using standard IMAP clients. The principal requirements for this access are captured in RFC 7017. The service will use the set of archived messages maintained by the web-based browsing and archiving tool. That is the set that is being maintained for spam removal. The RFP can be found at: <>. Proposals must be received via email at no later than July 7, 2012. All questions, inquiries must be submitted by June 23, 2014. Responses to questions and inquiries shall be posted online at: <> by June 27, 2014. The point of contact regarding this RFP is the IETF Administrative Director, Ray Pelletier, Ray Pelletier IAD