The 2013-14 IETF Nomcom is pleased to announce its selection of the IESG members whose two year terms start at IETF 89 in March 2014. The Nomcom has selected the following people to serve as Area Directors in the IESG, and they have been confirmed by the IAB in its role as confirming body. Applications: Barry Leiba Internet: Brian Haberman Operations and Management: Benoit Claise Real-time Applications and Infrastructure: Alissa Cooper Routing: Alia Atlas Security: Kathleen Moriarty Transport: Martin Stiemerling The Nomcom wishes to be the first to thank the incumbents not returning to the IESG for their years of serving the community: Stewart Bryant: Routing Gonzalo Camarillo: RAI Sean Turner: Security The Nomcom also thanks the many and talented members of the community who accepted nominations (with and without our exhortations). We thank the IETF community for its enthusiastic support of the Nomcom process. Finally, we thank the individuals named above for agreeing to serve the community on the IESG. For your reference, the 2014-2015 IESG full listing is: Applications: Barry Leiba and Pete Resnick Internet: Brian Haberman and Ted Lemon Operations and Management: Benoit Claise and Joel Jaeggli Real-time Applications and Infrastructure: Alissa Cooper and Richard Barnes Routing: Alia Atlas and Adrian Farrel Security: Kathleen Moriarty and Stephen Farrell Transport: Martin Stiemerling and Spencer Dawkins The Nomcom did take note of the affiliation of the Routing Area selection, and considered it carefully with respect to this particular circumstance.