The IESG has approved the following document: - 'The JSON Data Interchange Format' (draft-ietf-json-rfc4627bis-10.txt) as Proposed Standard This document is the product of the JavaScript Object Notation Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Pete Resnick and Barry Leiba. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary This document is an update to RFC 4627, the RFC that describes the JSON format. (Note that there two other independent definitions of JSON:, and ECMA-262 (Edition 5.1, June 2011). This document is a minimal update to RFC 4627 that corrects some errors, adds a bit of clarification, and points out topics where there have been interoperability issues since RFC 4627 was published. As stated in the charter, this document is meant to be a Proposed Standard. Working Group Summary The WG went through a couple of phases during the review, with some folks wanting to fix a lot of things, some wanting to basicly push it out untouched, and still others wanting a light touch with useful notes. In then end, there was rough group consensus for the latter. Near the end of the review cycle, Ecma issued a new document that defined (mostly) just the syntax for JSON, Standard ECMA-404. The syntaxes in this document and ECMA-404 appear identical. It is worthwhile noting that the syntaxes are described in different languages (this document uses ABNF, the Ecma document uses racetrack-style pictures). Note: The WG charter says: The resulting document will be jointly published as an RFC and by ECMA. ECMA participants will be participating in the working group editing through the normal process of working group participation. The responsible AD will coordinate the approval process with ECMA so that the versions of the document that are approved by each body are the same. None of that happened. This document stands on its own, as does ECMA-404 and upcoming revision to the ECMAScript standard. Document Quality This document had a wonderfully wide and deep review. The WG had a high number of IETF regulars and newcomers. Although we had little input from the members of TC39 in Ecma, we had lots of input from the larger JSON-using community, including many active developers of JSON libraries. Personnel Paul Hoffman (one of the WG co-chairs) is the document shepherd. Pete Resnick is the responsible AD.