We are pleased to report that the IETF registration system is now PCI DSS compliant. In short, this mean that your credit card data is even more secure. While we never keep your credit card information, previously the credit card data did flow through our system on the way to our payment gateway provider, which is Authorize.net. In order to make sure that attendee data is as protected as possible, we have moved to the Authorize.net Direct Post Method (DPM) for registration and all credit card payment processing. With DPM, the credit card data is posted directly to Authorize.net, bypassing our own internal system entirely. For more on PCI DSS compliance please see here: http://www.pcicomplianceguide.org/pcifaqs.php and https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/index.php. For more on Authorize.net and how it explains PCI DSS compliance, see here: http://www.authorize.net/resources/pcicompliance/ Regards, Alexa ---------- Alexa Morris / Executive Director / IETF 48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117, Fremont, CA 94538 Phone: +1.510.492.4089 / Fax: +1.510.492.4001 Email: amorris@amsl.com Managed by Association Management Solutions (AMS) Forum Management, Meeting and Event Planning www.amsl.com <http://www.amsl.com/>