The 2012-2013 IETF Nominating committee (Nomcom) is pleased to announce the selection of an individual to fill the mid-term vacancy on the IAB created by the resignation of Spencer Dawkins. (Spencer left the IAB in May to serve as Transport Area Director on the IESG.) The Nomcom has selected Erik Nordmark to fill the current vacancy on the IAB. This selection has been confirmed by the ISOC Board of Trustees in its role as a confirming body. As he filling a mid-term vacancy, Erik Nordmark will join the IAB immediately. His current term on the IAB will end at IETF 95 in April 2016. The Nominating committee would like to express our sincere gratitude to Erik for agreeing to serve, as well as to the many highly qualified members of the community who offered to serve on the IAB. Additionally, the Nomcom would like to thank all of the members of the community who assisted the in this process. - Matt Lepinski on behalf of Nomcom 2012