Sorry - my eye was on entering the reply-to field and then I forgot....apologies in advance for pain that may result from this lapse. On May 29, 2013, at 5:04 PM, "Mankin, Allison" <> wrote: > Hi, everyone, > > Remember that I'm challenging the IETF to come up with 200 volunteers for > the upcoming nomcom. You can volunteer just by hitting Reply to this email. > > What are you waiting for?? The more volunteers we get, the better chance we > have of choosing a random yet representative cross section of the IETF > population. Respond to the 200-volunteer challenge and hit Reply right now. > (Well, much as I want you to do this, please look below at the posts being > filled and be sure you are willing to forgo trying for any of them this year). > > The official information: > The IETF nominating committee (nomcom) process for 2013-14 is under way. The > IETF nomcom appoints folks to fill the open slots on the IAOC, the IAB, > and the IESG. Ten voting members for the nomcom are selected in a verifiably > random way from a pool of volunteers. > > The details of the selection and operation of the nomcom can be found > in RFCs 3777, 5078, 5633, 5680, and 6859. Four of those RFCs (3777, 5633, > 5680 and 6859) comprise BCP 10. We will also reference RFC 3797. > > Volunteers must have attended 3 of the past 5 IETF meetings. As specified in > RFC 3777, that means three out of the five past meetings up to the time this > email announcement goes out to start the solicitation of volunteers. The five > meetings out of which you must have attended three are IETF 82, 83, 84, 85, 86. > > If you qualify, reply to this email and volunteer. > > The list of people and posts whose terms end with the March 2014 IETF > meeting, and thus the positions for which this nomcom is responsible, are > IAOC: > Chris Griffiths > > IAB: > Bernard Aboba > Marc Blanchet > Ross Callon > Eliot Lear > Hannes Tschofenig > > IESG: > Barry Leiba (Applications) > Brian Haberman (Internet) > Benoit Claise (Operations and Management) > Gonzalo Camarillo (RAI) > Stewart Bryant (Routing) > Sean Turner (Security) > Martin Stiemerling (Transport) > > The primary activity for this nomcom will begin in July 2013 and should be > completed in January 2014. Being a nomcom member will require some time > commitment - there will be interviews with candidates at meetings, regularly > scheduled conference calls to ensure progress, collection and review of > requirements from the commitment, review of candidate questionnaires and > of community feedback. A more detailed timetable for the nomcom tasks > will appear soon. > > Please respond to this email before 11:59 pm EDT (UTC -4 hours) > June 16, 2013. In the body include: > 1. your Given Name as you enter it when you register for the IETF > 2. your Family Name as you enter it when you register for the IETF > 3. your current primary affilation (the information you enter into the Company field) > 4. any/all email addresses you've used to register for IETF meetings > 5. which email address you prefer > 6. your phone number (for our use in confirming you if selected). > > You should expect an email response from me within 3 business days stating > whether or not you are qualified (and added to the list). If you don't receive this > response, please re-send your email adding the tag "RESEND" to the subject line. > > Participating in the IETF nomcom is a meaningful and fun way to contribute to the IETF. > Please help us meet the 200-volunteer challenge by hitting Reply to this message today. > > Allison > > Allison Mankin > Nomcom Chair 2013-2014