Greetings This is to announce a virtual interim meeting for the MMUSIC Working Group to take place on Thursday, May 23rd, from 7:00 am - 10:00 am Pacific Time. The goal of this meeting is to come to a resolution on the so-called "Plan A" or "Plan B" approach related to SDP signaling needed by RTCWeb, CLUE, etc. (i.e. do we have potentially lots of "m=" lines or very few "m=" lines and to what extent is there sub-negotation and signaling at the SSRC level). A more detailed agenda and logistics will be sent out separately. For now, people should take a close look at the following two drafts: You may also want to look at Thanks -- Ari & Flemming (MMUSIC co-chairs) PS: We are currently also considering having a physical interim meeting the week of June 24th, likely on the US West Coast. We will await the outcome of the virtual interim meeting before making a decision on this but wanted to give people a heads-up for now.