The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Link Metrics for the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Routing Protocol OLSRv2 - Rationale' (draft-ietf-manet-olsrv2-metrics-rationale-04.txt) as Informational RFC This document is the product of the Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Adrian Farrel and Stewart Bryant. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary OLSRv2 includes the ablity to assign metrics to links and to use those metrics to allow routing by other than minimum hop count routes. This document provides a historic record of the rationale for and design considerations behind how link metrics were included in OLSRv2. Working Group Summary o OLSRv2 was first submitted as an individual draft in July 2005 (draft-clausen-manet-olsrv2-00), and accepted as a Working Group document in August 2005. o OLSRv2 is in the process of approval as a Proposed Standard. o A key difference between RFC3626 and OLSRv2 is the introduction of support for link metrics. An individual draft (draft-dearlove-olsrv2- metrics-00) was submitted in 2007, discussing the design options, culminating in 2010 with draft-dearlove-olsrv2-metrics-05 documenting Working Group consensus on this matter. Metrics support was, then, folded into OLSRv2. o This document retains and documents the design rationale, and important decisions for how metrics were integrated into OLSRv2. Thus, this document reflects WG consensus built up during the evolution of OLSRv2, and records the consensus view that lies behind OLSRv2. Document Quality There is a number of independent implementations of OLSRv2, as was indicated in the write-up for that I-D. This document does not propose a protocol, or mandate protocol behavior, but rather presents part of the design rationale for OLSRv2. Personnel Stan Ratliff ( is the Document Shepherd. Adrian Farrel ( is the Responsible Area Director RFC Editor Note Section 1 paras 4 and 5 Please move the explanation of TC from para 5 to para4