A new Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Registry of Unofficial Extensions to the ISO 4217 Alpha Three Currency
Identification Namespace (X-ISO4217-A3)
Author(s) : W. Stanish
Filename : draft-stanish-x-iso4217-a3
Pages : 25
Date : Nov. 27, 2012
This document defines a new IANA registry to keep track of
identifiers for currencies or currency-like commodities lying outside
the traditional scope of the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 4217 alpha-3 standard, such as digital
currencies and commodities, currencies issued by countries (nation-
states) with limited international recognition, emerging commodities
such as emissions reduction credits, private or commercial
currencies, and accounting units for local exchange and trading
systems (LETS). Such codes are already in use; the registry simply
codifies their existence. This document obsoletes draft-stanish-x-
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