I-D Action: draft-keoh-tls-multicast-security-00.txt

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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.

	Title           : DTLS-based Multicast Security for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs)
	Author(s)       : Sye Loong Keoh
                          Sandeep S. Kumar
                          Esko Dijk
	Filename        : draft-keoh-tls-multicast-security-00.txt
	Pages           : 19
	Date            : 2012-10-15

   Wireless IP-based systems will be increasingly used for building
   control systems in the future where wireless devices interconnect
   with each other, forming low-power and lossy networks (LLNs).  The
   CoAP/6LoWPAN standards are emerging as the de-facto protocols in this
   area for resource-constrained devices.  Both multicast and security
   are key needs in these networks.  This draft presents a method for
   securing multicast communication in LLNs based on the DTLS security
   protocol which is already present in CoAP devices.  This is achieved
   by using unicast DTLS-protected communication channel to distribute
   keying material and security parameters to group members.  Group keys
   consisting of a Traffic Encryption Key (TEK) and a Traffic
   Authentication Key (TAK) are generated by group members based on the
   keying material received.  A group member uses its DTLS record layer
   implementation to encrypt a multicast message and provide message
   authentication using the group keys before sending the message via IP
   multicast to the group.

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