This is a reminder that any nominations for IETF leadership positions must be sent to the NomCom on or before Monday, September 24. Additionally, the NomCom requests that the community provide feedback to the NomCom about the individuals that are being considered for leadership positions. Nominations can be made using the web tool: Nominations can also be made by sending email to A list of positions that the NomCom is considering (along with desired qualifications for each position) can be found on the NomCom 2012 Website: Feedback about specific candidates that the NomCom is considering for leadership positions can be provided using this web tool: Note that the feedback tool also provides a list of the individuals who have agreed to be considered for each position. The list is currently being updated as more individuals accept nominations, but the list should be quite stable starting next week. Finally, general comments about issues the NomCom should take into account when filling a given position are welcomed. Please send such comments to The NomCom takes very seriously the confidentiality of all feedback provided to the committee. Additionally, if you would like to provide anonymous feedback to the committee, either myself ( or Suresh Krishnan ( would be happy to anonymize comments to the committee. Thank you for your help, - Matt Lepinski