The IESG has approved the following document: - 'TRILL: Clarifications, Corrections, and Updates' (draft-ietf-trill-clear-correct-06.txt) as Proposed Standard This document is the product of the Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Ralph Droms and Brian Haberman. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary The IETF TRILL (TRansparent Interconnection of Lots of Links) protocol provides least cost pair-wise data forwarding without configuration in multi-hop networks with arbitrary topology, safe forwarding even during periods of temporary loops, and support for multipathing of both unicast and multicast traffic. TRILL accomplishes this by using IS-IS (Intermediate System to Intermediate System) link state routing and by encapsulating traffic using a header that includes a hop count. Since the TRILL base protocol was approved in March 2010, active development of TRILL has revealed a few errata in the original RFC 6325 and some cases that could use clarifications or updates. RFC 6327 and RFC 6439 provide clarifications and updates with respect to Adjacency and Appointed Forwarders. This document provide other known clarifications, corrections, and updates to RFC 6325, RFC 6327, and RFC 6439. The clarifications, corrections, and updates cover many areas, but the most substantial ones are in the areas of: - Overloaded and/or Unreachable RBridges - Distribution Trees - Nickname selection - Maximum Transmission Unit Note that one change in this document (section 3.4) is not backward compatible with [RFC6325] but has nevertheless been adopted to reduce distribution tree changes resulting from topology changes. Working Group Summary There was consensus in the working group in favor of the document. Document Quality The document has been carefully reviewed in the WG and by the document shepherd. The document was forwarded to the IS-IS WG mailing list, which resulted in some additional improvements. Personnel Who is the Document Shepherd? Erik Nordmark Who is the Responsible Area Director? Ralph Droms